Labels:bulletin board | comic book | horse | person | poster | tribute album OCR: The Campaign Austerlitz of 1805 Tndex Help After eight weeks of attacks seemec Exi ck as though the Armee had lost its impetus and the campaign had reached its critical point Napoleon had no more than the army corps of Lannes and Soult together with the guards and cavalry amounting to some 50 .000 exhausted men Facing him very strong position in the direction Bookmark of Olmutz were a front of 100 000 men of the Allied armies headeo by Emperor Francis and Tsar Alexander Waiting in the field were 30. .000 Russians commanded by Bennigsen while 90. .000 Austrians under Archduke Charles were on their way from Bohemia Napoleon only had one chance left: win crushing victory at once or resign himself to the failure of the whole campaian Previous Next Campaigr seemed Back eavalry Bookrnark fiela A ...